CORESPONDENȚĂ ANTALYA. Mihai Rotaru forțează în aceste zile transferul lui Mihnea Rădulescu la Universitatea Craiova, interesul fiind confirmat de către președintele găzarilor, Claudiu Tudor. „Noul Dennis Man”, mijlocașul ofensiv care a impresionat în acest sezon […] The post Mihai Rotaru forțează transferul iernii la Universitatea Craiova. Vrea să-l ia pe „noul Dennis Man”, ofertat şi de Dinamo: „Există interes pentru el” appeared first on Prosport.
Mihai Rotaru, owner of Universitatea Craiova, is actively pushing for the transfer of a promising young player (described as "the new Dennis Man") to his club during the winter transfer window. The player has also attracted interest from Dinamo, but Rotaru is determined to sign him.
Mihai Rotaru, owner of Universitatea Craiova, is actively pushing for the transfer of a promising young player (described as "the new Dennis Man") to his club during the winter transfer window. The player has also attracted interest from Dinamo, but Rotaru is determined to sign him.